A top level class cannot be declared as static ex:the following code result in a compile error
public static class Foo{
public class mainclass {
Immutable Class :
A class that cannot be modified after construction , every modification on a immutable object will result in a new object.Ex:class String , Integer are Immutable for example when you delete or substruct a String you get the result in another object.immutable class has only getter and not setter
Immutable class are very useful in terme of Thread Safety , no require any extern synchronization.
All fields of immutable class should be final (if not it should be only used internally by class itself and called by a final method so not accessible outside)
another advantage of immutable class is the reusablity of the class.
disadvantage:immutable class increase garbage collector works.
example of a immutable class:
ublic final class Contacts {
private final String name;
private final String mobile;
public Contacts(String name, String mobile) {
this.name = name;
this.mobile = mobile;
public String getName(){
return name;
public String getMobile(){
return mobile;